Leading company in the Fine Chemical Industry
Innovation, Honesty, Efficiency and Clean
Protex International is a medium-sized, independent company (Turnover >100M US $).
Its business is to develop, to produce and to market chemical and biochemical specialities for manufacturers in the chemical and other industries through a large number of subsidiaries.
Since it was first established in 1932, it has been able to maintain a strategy of commercial, technological and geographical diversification.
A continuous policy of internationalization has enabled Protex International to reach the situation where today over 80% of its sales are achieved outside France.
Protex International serves a wide variety of markets including : the chemical and parachemical industries, the paper industry, the textile industry, electronics, agriculture, the leather industry, perfumery, the building trade and public works, the agro-food industry, water treatment and the treatment of polluted soils, the plastics, detergents and paint industries and agriculture In order to meet the demand from its customers, Protex International has developed a broad spectrum of know-how ranging from chemical synthesis to polymerization, formulation and fermentation.
Established with its own industrial and marketing subsidiaries in a large number of countries in Europe, Asia, Afria and the United States, Protex International has also a wide network of agents which enable it to diversify its activites according to market conditions, and to undertake extensive research work in order to be better equipped to respond to the needs of users, thus ensuring the future of both the company and its customers.
This infrastructure enables Protex International to meet the challenges of globalisation and to look upon emerging foreign markets simply as further opportunities.
This network enables customers in each country to benefit from experiences coming from other areas.
Protex International fosters in its production units a desire for an active and sustained policy of safety.
The processes are developed with a view to reduce the pollution of water, air... and achieve a high degree of safety when they are manufactured in its own factories or utilized at the premises of its customers.
Protex International undertakes to be environment-friendly.
The chemistry of Protex International is founded on constant innovation, which is a guarantee of its development. Its main Research Center is located in France at Chateau-Renault(37). In addition to this there are R&D centers at Morganton(NC), Palm Bay(FI), Haverhill(MA) in the US, at Wanju-Kun and Dae-jun in South Korea and application centers in various countries such as Germany, Spain, Italy, England, Portugal, Hong-Kong, China, Indonesia, South Korea and Thailand...
Collaborations are established with numerous external research centers and universities.
Protex International invests 6% of its turnover on Research and Development and owns over 100 Patents.
Research costs are split between :
- Medium-term and Long-term projects
- Constant improvement in the production costs and quality of existing products and processes and their safety.
Protex International is a group of companies which manufacture all the products which they market and their production is highly integrated.
Production of the following raw materials :
- Phosphorous acid acrylic polymers
- Formaldehyde fatty acid derivates
- Cyanhydric acid derivates surfactants
- Silver flakes and powders fine intermediates
Priority is given to key accounts :
customers who are market leaders with an assured future as well as successful medium-sized companies.
The product qualification time among these customers ranges from 3 months to 24 months. Protex International therefore works on the Medium and Long Term. Repeat business accounts for 95% of sales.
The customer and product portfolio, which is growing year by year, has a balanced structure :
none of them accounts for more than 5% of sales.
A regular, controlled development of around 15% a year is planned, based on a sustained policy of internal investment and a well-defined stategy of external growth